I'm just sitting here tonight missing my Daddy so much. I miss everything about him, good and bad. I am so much like him in so many ways and I'm proud of that. He fought his demons as we all do, but he really was a good man. While it has gotten easier over the last 51/2 years, at times like these it feels like I just lost him all over again. Grief just sneaks up on you like that. I came in here because I couldn't sleep, not even thinking about him and the next thing you know...here I am. The thing that hurts the most is that my daughter was only four when he died and doesn't really remember him. He loved her so much and she will never truly know. At least she got to know his mom before she died last year. When she died it really was like losing my dad all over again. Dealing with her will and finding out how certain people weren't who I'd thought they were my whole life, I was wishing for my Dad more than ever. Let me put it this way, I wish he was here to accept his inheritance from her instead of me and my sister. And unlike certain people probably think, it's really not worth all the hassle. I would much rather have my Daddy.
I guess my point to all of this is to love one another today. Don't worry about tomorrow. Cherish every moment because, believe me I know, it could all change in the blink of an eye.